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Old school vs New School, let’s talk about it.

Not too long ago, I resigned from The Coca-Cola Hellenic Company (trading through NBC) in Nigeria as a Sales Manager. My job was to supervise a couple of guys who work as Sales Representatives and also manage the distribution structure. 

I had many running battles while reviewing these set of hard-working guys. There were new issues to deal with concerning the documentation each time we seat for reviews.

Some experiences were my many trade visits in the past and while on the job had exposed me to the numerous challenges faced by the Sales Reps in updating their documents. The whole process of relating to customers and documenting the activities was fraught with many challenges. 

Fast- forward to 2015/6/7, when I now work as a consultant helping selling organizations to develop and deploy Field Force Automation solutions to replace the primitive and problematic ‘old school’ system of selling. Looking back into those years of selling Coca-Cola products and even in the other organizations I have worked with, I feel organizations will achieve more if they embrace the use of technology to simplify the sales process and make life easy for everyone. 

Sales Reps can approach customers just with a few handy smart devices and lead excellent sales ‎conversations.

We have considerations for cost, quality and productivity in engaging clients for our technology projects. Kindly reach out if you have challenges or even problems that you will like to confront with technology.

We can help you optimize sales